Our attorneys have a wealth of knowledge about protecting your assets, planning for long-term care, qualifying for Medicaid, and many other Elder Law and Estate Planning issues. They share their insights in frequent blog posts. Keep up to date on the options that are available to you at every stage of life by following our attorney blog.
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How Life Insurance Can Secure Your Estate and Protect Your Family’s Peace of MindSecure your legacy with strategic life insurance planning. Learn how to protect your heirs, minimize taxes, and avoid probate complications.
How Your Estate Plan Could Protect You, and Your Partner, from the UnexpectedUnmarried couples in Texas and in Arkansas may need their own estate plans to protect their partner’s right to an inheritance.
How Married Couples in Texas and Arkansas Can Maximize the Benefits of Their TrustMarried couples often benefit from jointly-held trusts, but some spouses are better off keeping their assets and interests separate.
Why Disinheriting a Child Isn’t Always the Best SolutionDisinheriting an estranged child carries big risks, both for your relationship and for your state. Here’s how you can protect your family’s rights.
Asking Questions Can Help You—And Your Lawyer—Write a Better WillScheduling your first consultation with a Texarkana estate planning lawyer seems intimidating, but coming prepared with questions makes everything easier.
4 Reasons Why a Comprehensive Estate Plan Protects Your Child’s Well-BeingEstate planning is especially important for parents of children with special needs, who may need both support and continued access to public benefits programs.
Protecting Your Estate from Challenge After Leaving an Unequal InheritanceThere are many reasons for leaving an unequal inheritance—and just as many concerns. Texas estate planning attorneys Ross & Schoalmire share advice.
Stepchildren Do Not Inherit in Texas Unless They Are Named as HeirsWhen you want to ensure that your stepchildren inherit from your estate, you will need an Estate Plan with a Will naming them as heirs. We explain the details here.
2023 Christmas Gift Ideas for SeniorsRoss and Shoalmire's Elder Law Attorneys have prepared this list of gift ideas for seniors and their caregivers to help you with your holiday shopping needs.
We Help Elderly and Disabled Clients Prepare Medicaid Applications for Nursing HomesEven if you've never been on Medicaid, you might qualify as a senior needing a nursing home. We help clients determine eligibility and apply for aid in Texas.